Well, its coming up on Valentine's Day and while I have never really been a fan of the holiday it has still got me thinking more about my hubby. I just wanted to write about some of my favorite things about Kendall to let him know how much I love him.
1. He makes me laugh. (Even when I want to be angry at him)
2. His beautiful green eyes, and long eyelashes I might add too.
3. He has a great smile, especially when he his truly laughing!
4. He is very smart. (Too smart sometimes :) )
5. He is a hard worker.
6. He has high standards and morals. (I really respect him for that)
7. I love when he tries to warm his feet up on mine at night. (Even though they are usually like ice blocks!)
8. He has a great sense of style. (Maybe better than mine?)
9. He looks really good in his church/professional clothes. (My favorite!)
10. He loves kids! (Babies too, especially his nieces and nephews)
11. He makes "the face"!
12. He is such a thoughtful gift giver, really puts the effort into the perfect gifts!
13. He doesn't like to watch sports on TV. (Love that!!)
14. Sometimes he tries to pretend he is Italian...very funny.
15. He sticks to his goals, its very important to him. (An example to me in that manner)
16. I love when he holds my hand, anywhere.
17. He LOVES his family. (And so do I! They are so amazing, all of them!)
18. My little sister Abby loves him, its pretty cute actually! (I have to fight for him when we visit)
19. He is loyal.
20. He is creative. (More so than me even, I get a little jealous!)
21. Sometimes when I work late he makes dinner so its ready when I get home. (I love that!)
22. He eats my food (and says he likes it), I am not a good cook whatsoever!
23. He loves fruit roll-ups! I think its funny! :)
24. He scraped all the ice off my car one morning before I got up! It was so nice of him!
These are just a few of my favorite things. I just want him to know that I love him dearly! He means the world to me! I love you babe. xoxo
Thursday, January 29, 2009
These Are a Few of My Favorite Things...
Posted by The Cranes 4 comments
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Sun Valley, ID
Kendall and I took our first trip to Sun Valley, ID in December. My work had a party there and put us up in the Sun Valley Lodge for the night as well. It was so much fun to visit a new place and to be surrounded by my co-workers (I actually love them all! hard to believe, right?). I believe Kendall even had a good time as well :) My boss was very generous and put us all up in very nice rooms and took us out to a place called the Sawtooth for dinner (nice restaraunt). We even hit up a few bars till all hours of the night! (and by all night I mean midnight, and all diet coke of course).
We got there early Saturday so we could walk the town a bit (in 5 degree weather!) and see what Sun Valley had to offer. Of course Candace and I found the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Co. first! Yummy!
From Sun Valley 2008 |
Here is a look down one of the main streets in Sun Valley area (Ketchum, ID)
If it looks cold to you, it was! One of those its so cold your nose hairs freeze!
From Sun Valley 2008 |
Kendall and I on a GIANT chair we found outside a wood carving shop! I love the red cowboy boots too.
From Sun Valley 2008 |
From Sun Valley 2008 |
From Sun Valley 2008 |
From Sun Valley 2008 |
The view out one of the windows in our hotel room! Look how beautiful it is with all the snow!
Posted by The Cranes 1 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
I Love This Show!
The Gosselin 10... Jon and Kate Plus 8Jon and Kate Plus 8 is another little obsession of mine (Kendall's too even though he may not admitt it). I love watching this show on TLC! We have been watching for a long time now so I feel like I know these cute little kids. This show is SO fun to watch. I mean could you imagine having twin girls and sextuplets?! Less than four years apart! I think God definitley knows the people in this world that are capable of handling that kind of responsibility and watches over them. I don't think I could ever be in Jon and Kate's shoes and still live to tell the tale!
I am acctually reading their new book, Multiple Blessings, that just recently came out. I am enjoying it so far. Its amazing because Kate goes through her whole pregnancy with the sextuplets and there are some things I just can't even imagine going through. Then there is all the stuff you don't really think about like, 60 plus diapers a day, and 30 bottles and six baby carriers, six cribs in one room etc...!
Maddy, Kara, Alexis, Hannah, Leah, Aiden, Collin, Joel

Posted by The Cranes 2 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Florida Vacation
More fun pictures from our Florida getaway! (aka Kendall's pharmacy conference). We had such a great time. It was Kendall's first trip to Fl and to Disney World. Unfortunately we didn't make it to the beaches so I guess that will be our next adventure! Thanks to our good friends Kami and Kyle for putting us up and catering to us :) We love you guys!
Posted by The Cranes 3 comments
Friday, January 9, 2009
The Holidays in a Whirl!
Christmas Tacky Sweater Party at Kristen, Katy and Steph's place!
By the way, Kendall did all the shopping for us for these cute sweaters! Good job hun, we could definitely have rocked the 80's in style!
Christmas with the Utah Youngs

Eli and Carter making the little snowman craft. They are getting so big! I miss you guys so much! They really had some creative works of art going here

I wanted Kendall to show me what he made since it was so cute. I think he may be mocking me?! He won the best snowman creation award though :)
Maggie and me in a kodak moment. Ariane, do you let her have Pepsi at home? She didn't want to put that soda down for anything! Gotta love the Koolaid 'stash' though :)

Abby got this Hello Kitty play tent for Christmas and she started to "live" in it right away! With ALL her presents inside, whether they fit or not!

Christmas with the Cranes!
Posted by The Cranes 1 comments